The Journey
to the Field of Possibilities
9.30 am - 4 pm Sunday 23rd February 2025
Crows Nest Centre
9.30 am - 4 pm Sunday 23rd February 2025
Crows Nest Centre
Find space for your imaginings
Allow your potential to become reality Take charge of your way of being Move from a suffering state into one of calm presence |
Let's open some doors to what IS possible!
I invite you on a journey of self discovery and awakening to the deeper truth of who you are. As you connect with your own inner wisdom, releasing whatever causes your suffering, you’ll find space for your imaginings and open the door to a better today and tomorrow. The Field of Possibilities This is a journey into the Field of Possibilities where we set aside our restrictive perceptions and beliefs, our hurts and judgements. In the Field of Possibilities, we allow our potential to become reality and open to inner peace and joy. On this journey, you may
We are so easily caught up in the demands of our daily life, all the “shoulds” and “must dos” and we survive on autopilot. Yes, this gets the jobs done but it is not fulfilling, it does not nurture our essential self — we are left feeling diminished and unsatisfied. Sometimes we need a hand to recognise where we are, what is possible -- and how to get there! As an intuitive healer, I will help you access the insights that facilitate transformation with energy healing and profound meditative processes. Together, we will transform our habitual limitations through an understanding of why we have them and how to live without them. How to have fulfilling relationships free of hurt, resentment, resistance and unreasonable expectations — including of ourselves! This elusive connection with your deeper self will become more sure, more trustworthy and liberating. It is a gentle healing journey towards freedom and growth. Benefit from being with like-minded seekers and take into your life the tools and understanding to create the life you do want. |

Time and Place Cost
Sunday 23rd February 2025 $400 per person
9.30 am to 4 pm
Crows Nest Centre
2 Ernest Place, Crows Nest 2065
Sunday 23rd February 2025 $400 per person
9.30 am to 4 pm
Crows Nest Centre
2 Ernest Place, Crows Nest 2065